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Level 6  2012-13

The Level 5 work was developed by making dresses from cream/beige fabric that were embroidered and burnt. These evolved into yellow dresses that have been 'shot' at using a shotgun.  The act of shooting at the dresses evokes an implication of violence, not only towards the girls but also to women caught up in all acts of aggression.  Yellow is the colour of cordite, which was a constituent in the munitions the Tipton girls were dismantling at the time of their deaths.  The aim of the final work was to produce a range of subtle, yellow-coloured dresses, varying in texture and size, representing all women whatever their creed or nationality.

Another component of the work was the production of large-scale black schematic crystal structures, representing the elements from which the human form is constructed - our universal identity.  The human body is made up of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and many of the other trace elements.  Along with sulphur they also make up gunpowder.

The final installation is completed with shafts from yellow spotlights, which pierce the holes in the dresses and reflect subtly on the hexagonal, cubic and orthorhombic schematic forms.  

the catastrophe


vertical installation

5 dresses burnt and embroidered

250 cm - 110 cm

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